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Maximum we can make is based on original sheet size of 1200 x 2400mm. If you require larger, see product "Aluminium Sheet & Plate Custom Powdercoated".
For custom cutting, just select and fill in the areas required by following the sections after selecting “Custom Cut”. With custom cutting, the price is set is 0.2m2 minimum per item, if you require many items below 0.2m2 it may pay to contact us for a quote.
Please note, this material grade is 5005 and is only powdercoated on one face of the sheet.
Please note the cutting is done after powdercoating therefore the cut edge won't be powdercoated. Whilst we have good machinery no cut will leave a smooth edge like an extruded edge and may have some imperfections.
We endeavour to produce your order to the exact size, however there is a production tolerance of +/- 2.0mm.
We will let you know when your order will be delivered or ready for pick-up from our store.
All prices include GST.